The art of self love

Custom Canvases

Where commissioned art meets paint by numbers. Think adult colouring, but with paint and it’s your body on the canvas waiting for you!

Womens only victorian life drawing class. Black and white image.

Life Drawing Classes

Women’s only social Life Drawing classes. Bring a friend or come and make new ones as we celebrate the diverse beauty of women through charcoal, wine & music.

Body Printing

Create a truly unique piece of art with your own body being the stamp. In home, interactive and immersive it is as much about the journey of creation as it is the final take home print.

Commissioned Art

charcoal drawing of woman from behind in the nude. A drawing from a life drawing class.

We’ve all seen the famous nudes adorning the walls of galleries and homes and admired their varied beauty. Now its your turn to be the art you were always meant to be in a completely custom commissioned piece.

Artist Jessica respects and acknowledges the Darkingjung people as the First Peoples and Traditional Custodians of the land and waterways on which she lives and works.

Jessica pay’s her respect to Aboriginal Elders and recognises their continuous connection to Country and the important role they play within the community.